5 Quotes & Sayings By Liz Jensen

Liz Jensen has been named one of the Top 10 New Authors of 2015 by RT Book Reviews. She is the author of the bestselling Young Adult novel The War with Kind. She is also the co-author of the novels A Day at the Beach, The Christmas Letters, and The Christmas Promise. Her memoir, "Jensen on Life," was released by Thomas Nelson in May 2016.

Lord, What a terrible shame. You're so attractive! ' I know, I want to tell her. It should have happened to someone really ugly. And then it wouldn't have mattered. Liz Jensen
Will it take the rest of my life to process what has happened? I don't know. If Freddy were here, he would say, 'Yet', as per the rules of a playful accord we have concerning unacquired knowledge, whereby if one of us said they didn't know something, the other had to say 'Yet'. And then the other one--usually me--would provide the missing information, or we'd look it up, or just speculate. Liz Jensen
Men let women down. Over and over again. I'ts what they're programmed to do. Liz Jensen
Hangovers are a vivid form of vengeance. Last night my apartment became the venue for a small, introverted chardonnay festival. A melancholy choir of Bulgarians provided the entertainment, via a set of headphones that ended up irredeemably tangled beneath the bed. Part of me just watched. The other part was in charge. Liz Jensen